Hammond Family

Moving forward, one day at a time.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Emily update

Thank you all for your kind words and love and support. They really mean a lot to us. Emily has done better than the doctors expected her to. She made it through the first 48 hours without getting worse, which they said is good. They did say that her x-ray looked a little better this morning. She does well as long as she is completely sedated and on the paralyzing medicine. yesterday when they tried to take her off the paralyzing med she didn't tolerate it well-she got very stressed and agitated (her oxygen levels dropped and blood pressure) and they had to put her back on it. They tried it again today and she lasted longer off it, but then after about 6 hours she started to try to breathe quite a bit on her own-take her own breaths, and got really stressed again. So they had to put her back on the paralyzing medicine, turn her oxygen up to 100%, turn her ventillator settings up, and put her back on the blood pressure medicine. it took her awhile to recover this time, but she is now about back to where she was early this morning. The doctors said it's not so much of a setback as it is not a step forward, if that makes sense. I think there's cause to be concerned, to me at least, because eventually she's going to have to come off the paralyzing medicine. But they'll continue to go by trial and error. They said with what she has, that's what they usually have to do. So we're trying to stay positive. The question isn't whether or not she can breathe on her own, but if her lungs will support her when she is breathing on her own. Thanks for the prayers. We're hoping for a miracle, but also praying that Robby and I will have guidance to know what is best for Emily, and that we'll all have peace, especially Em. Robby's sisters are coming, which will be a big support.


Zack + Julie said...

You're in our thoughts and fervent prayers. Wish we could do more. Love, Zack and Julie

Jason and Crystal said...

Here's a little bit of hope and positivity from an old friend and his family. Lots of love from the Dahlstroms

Tif said...

Thanks for finding the time to update, Camille. You're in our prayers still. Prayers for peace at this time-wherever that peace might be leading you and your family.

Amanda said...

Cami, you are definitely in all of our family's prayers here in Utah. We love you and we are praying for you and your little family. We love you! mandy