Hammond Family

Moving forward, one day at a time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Lily walking and laughing

Today before church. She actually left her hair in for most of it, though she wouldn't let a bow stay in.
Lily at the zoo last week.

I just love this outfit! Lily is a very busy girl. I think her job in life is to make people happy and make people laugh. She's pretty good at it! Here's a few videos so that her grandma's and grandpa's can see her in action!

She's watching the bears in this one.


Jenny H said...

Oh my!! Look how much she's grown. What a beauty...

Hoenes Family said...

She is absolutely adorable. She is at such a fun stage.

Alisha said...

Too cute! She pants just like Emarie does when she's excited!

Beckie said...

She is so happy! I love her smile.

Parker said...

i see lily likes sports like robby.