Hammond Family

Moving forward, one day at a time.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Emily's Smile

I really miss my Emily. I miss her smile. So I thought I'd share it, so it can make you smile like it does me! She was just so happy all the time, and she has shared that with her little sister. We're so lucky to have two beautiful, happy little girls. I loved this outfit.
Em's third birthday.

Coming back from Houston. She loved her carseat. We're putting Lily in it tomorrow.
Em's friend Brielle.

At the zoo. She's just gotten out of her body cast.

Happy Easter!
Em loved to roll. Here she is in action.


Hoenes Family said...

She has a beautiful smile. I think that is so great you have so many pictures of her smiling. What great memories to have.

Janalyn said...

Emily has a lovely smile! That's one of the things I kept thinking of when I didn't think Cis would make it- how much I'd miss seeing her smile.
I love the sweet way you always pay tribute to Emily.

Jenny H said...

Love that cute girl and her smile.

cornter said...

SO cute and thanks for sharing - she has a great smile and I miss it too, you are so sweet.

Andrea said...

Camille, I found your blog off of Andrea Tullet's. You are inspiring. Thank you for those sweet pictures.
I noticed that the Shorter's are on your friends list. Ginnie and I were friends at BYU-Hawaii. What a small world.
Take care.

Jessica Wille said...

I love Emily's smile!

Your pictures from your trip are so beautiful. I could go for some mountains right now!

The Ortiz Family said...

Thanks for sharing a smile so sweet. Everyday I try and remember how the Lord has blessed us with beautiful children. I am glad you are my visiting teacher.