I don't know if anything has symbolized moving back to the Northwest more to me than picking out and cutting down our tree. I definitely was not prepared; everyone else had on rubber boots, and had their kids wearing boots. Lily was wearing her light up Sketchers. At least I had them wearing coats! We drove through beautiful countryside to get to this tree farm up on a hill. Then we went on a "hayride" pulled by a tractor, to get us up to wear the trees were. We just got a Douglas Fir this year; maybe next year we'll go for a Great or Noble. But we like our tree. It's kind of crazy it's $24, compared to the $300 fake ones you have to buy for a nice one in Texas!
After Robby cut it down we lugged it back to the road and they picked it up and took it down and shook and bailed it for us and tied it to our tree. I guess I should have gotten pictures of all that.
I just really liked this tree!
Santa Claus was there afterwards. Lily asked for purple Hello Kitty Lipstick and said Lance needs a truck.